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Wenn die Nacht zum Tag wird – Beispiele aus dem Schlafzimmeralltag.

schlafAs you make your bed, now lie in it! That behind this proverb a, at least pea-sized spark truth lies, not only knows the fairytale princess, lay out. Even so, many brought to the sleeping citizens can sing a song about it and, therefore, provides a back-friendly Bed system. Nicht immer hat er dadurch auch seine Schlafstörungen im Griff.

Every year there are more people, who suffer from sleep disorders and are taking medication for this reason. About five percent of the population are now affected, according to the health of severe insomnia. In rare cases it is a snoring or restless bed next to blame. Important triggers, are not caused by a site, are "of special stress and strain". Mental health problems, chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disorders, Side effects of shift- and evening work, Overstimulation of all kinds, malnutrition, Relaxation in vacation, when the strenuous life seems far away - all factors, die Schlafstörungen auslösen können.

What bothers me beyond the sleeping? What is the healthy Place to sleep from? Kompetente Antworten auf diese Fragen gab es von der Baubiologin Andrea Bätz aus Heubach beim Vortragsabend des Freundeskreises Naturheilkunde in Mutlangen.

Sleep is essential for the physical, mental and emotional well-being. At night, the body finds on regeneration, the immune system is working at full speed, Healing processes from running, and the brain orders the impressions of the day. Approximately one-third of his life spent in bed, man. Nowhere else it is so true as at the roost site. Natural and stress-free sleep is therefore a basic human need. He also can be vital in the age and capable, sollte sein Schlafplatz frei von äußeren Störfeldern sein.

The man considers himself to be 90 % his life in enclosed spaces on. Poor indoor air, volatile pollutants from building materials, Furniture and floor coverings as well as molds and electromagnetic pollution can cause various diseases. Fatigue, Dizziness, Lack of concentration, Fatigue, Insomnia or irritation of the mucous membranes may be signs of the so-called "sick building" syndrome. The increase in this environmental disease shows, that are made in house-building a lot of mistakes. Modern building materials are not permeable and breathable natural materials such as, but more often are artificially produced and densely. Volatile substances such as e.g.. Formaldehyde – the most important indoor pollutant in addition to wood preservatives, house odors (particularly in older prefabricated houses) and plasticizers (PVC Boden, Toys) – stay in the room and influence the indoor air. It created fine dust, the mix yourself a cocktail and aggressive on the respiratory, the skin and the food are absorbed and rapidly enter the blood circulation. Formaldehyde reacts with atmospheric moisture. To those under 40 % to keep, is good, regular ventilation therefore essential. When building a breathable, offenes System und schadstoffarme Einrichtung zu schauen lohnt sich allemal.

The remodeled area is the third skin of humans and is regarded by biologists as an organism. Them a holistic view of the living- and work environment essential, So it is not enough, to look only at the optimum physical and technical parameters. The limits prescribed by law for pollutants are not following the standards of the Building Biology Testing Methods sufficient. "If there was room for air clear and binding emission limits, would 10% The apartments were evacuated. " (Cial Prof. Henning males, TU Berlin). The biologists are based on Article 3 the statutory building regulations, which states: Buildings shall be constructed, dass sie das Leben oder die Gesundheit des Menschen und die natürliche Lebensgrundlage nicht gefährden.

Although most people feel protected in their own homes and to strengthen and draw strength from their home environment, the reality (not only) often different from the bedroom. There are increasing complaints about disturbances in the well-being, particularly – as mentioned – about sleep. In addition to the indoor climate (Indoor pollutants), besides geological sources of interference (Watercourses, radioactive radon gas from geological fractures), with mold, Mushrooms, Bacteria and allergens may also be responsible for technical confounding factors and stress factors in the sleeping area to be. Sleep quality is not expressed in the number of hours's sleep by, but also in the way of waking. Situations such as morning: I feel like I'm whacked, total bin verspannt, I've just rolled, I cut off, drained and tired, lying in bed completely across, können auf einen gestörten Schlafplatz hinweisen und somit Schlafstörungen begründen.

Some are home-made interference, z.B. Electrosmog. Lying in bed, man is not grounded, His body will act as an antenna, all electric and magnetic fields of electrical installation, or. of electrical appliances. While the natural earth radiation is positive for the human, Our house has electricity (50 Hz), of 50 times per second, its radiation changes, as a blockage in the natural health. What Does? Pair of spring mattresses are like magnetic fields at, Microfiber bedding charges up electrostatically and generates a DC electric field, an ungrounded dish produces interference, cordless phones emit up to 300 m range, PC and WiFi really relax for the night. What helps? Mains switch shield wires, d.h. Alternating current to direct current (a cable disrupts, even if it is not turned on).

Alternating magnetic fields rarely occur in the field of railway lines or pylons on, The radio alarm clock is harmless, He is recipient only and does not make any voltage. Sometimes the attempt is worth the other way around to lie in bed, to move the bed a few meters. Baubiologin Bätz led by example for a self-test their sleep- and workplace investigations, the measurement of body tension before. This should be in the stone house 100 mV are, in the wooden house is a value below 200 mV acceptable, da Holz nicht leitet.

Many listeners stood at the end of the evening, perhaps under current, whether all the exciting information. Building biological advice to reduce the electromagnetic pollution and improve the quality of life may be the right step for a relaxing bedroom everyday. Final quote from the speaker: "People can be influenced in the short term and dealt positively with each correction." Your Currency: expertly measure, independent review, fachgerecht sanieren.

Those: Swabian Post

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