Channel: bionicbalance » Electrosmog
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Reduce radiation exposure



The World Health Organization has cell phone radiation 2011 classified as possibly carcinogenic. In decisions and appeals, the European Parliament, € of Europe and the European Environment Agency urges governments, immediate care- initiate action and reconnaissance, reduce the radiation exposure. We urge the European bodies to, to work towards, that national governments implement these decisions finally. Ein Schwerpunkt muss auf strahlenminmierenden Maßnahmen bei allen Endgeräten und bei den Sendeanlagen gelegt werden.

Millions of people worldwide suffer from the ever-increasing exposure to radiation from masts, Mobile Phones, DECT phones, Wi-Fi and other wireless applications. The industrially produced radiation, which are spread around the Clock, has developed the concept of electromagnetic. The burden of these artificially generated radiation exceeds the naturally occurring radiation intensity in millions. Difficulty concentrating, Insomnia, chronic headache, Electrosensitivity, Spermienschädigungen und Erbgutschädigungen können erwiesenermaßen die Folgen sein.

The current limits do not protect people, because in order to define the biological effects of radiation were not considered. The only limits are also calculated for individual devices generously, but not for the total- and duration of radiation, which man is exposed. A significant reduction in medical care and limit values ​​are needed, um die Menschen vor weiteren Schäden zu bewahren und der Ausuferung der Strahlenbelastung einen Riegel vorzuschieben.

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