How harmful is it, talk on the phone? Exactly you do not know it, it still lacks long-term experience. As cell phones give off much heat on the human body, but can be specified with a standardized reading: SAR, the Specific Absorption Rate. An infographic comparing the SAR values of various current smartphones. This reflects the Samsung Galaxy S3 significantly better off than its competitors, about the iPhone 4S.
The SAR value indicates a smartphone, how much the device is capable of, To heat heads. Well, to be every bit as: How much electromagnetic radiation absorbed by the device and then emits as heat to the human body. Becomes dangerous when the first telephone line, because the radiant heat, Some researchers fear, könnte die Bildung von Hirntumoren begünstigen.
Traditionally, cell phones emit stronger than those with metal body with plastic housing. Even if the horror stories of the greatly increased cancer risk in heavy mobile phone use, A few years ago that swept through the magazines, can be enjoyed with a bit of skepticism, It can not hurt, to pay attention to the SAR, wenn man sich ein Handy kauft.
In an infographic of tawkon are now at least, the SAR values of different smartphones are compared. Result: The Samsung S3 is equipped with Galaxy 0,34 W / kg, the smartphone from the devices being compared with the lowest radiation. The U.S. model Droid 4 emitted with 0,7 W / kg twice, 4S with the iPhone 1,1 W / kg three times as much. Der Blackberry Bold 9700 lies with 1,37 W / kg at the top of the scale - 1,6 is the threshold, The FCC has set a limit, in the EU, the limit of 2,0 w/kg.
The low SAR values of the Galaxy S3 are certainly on the plastic based mainly on construction of SGS3. Good to know, dass diese neben des geringeren Gewichts noch einen Vorteil mehr hat.
Tawkon The company has developed an app, the user with increased radiation exposure of the body through the phone and warns if it prompts, To use a headset. The calculation takes place on the basis of internal sensors in the smart phone and other data such as signal strength, Type of data connections and so on. Android is the app im Play Store available. Apple had decided to, tawkon the app to take from its own Appstore. Whether the reason was criticism of the methodology for obtaining the values or just results for, The iPhone in a bad light to constitute, ist nicht bekannt.
Makes you you worried about the radiation from mobile phones, why do you use a headset? If the actual SAR level of a smartphone affect your buying decision? Wir freuen uns über eure Kommentare.