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Mobile radio radiation – Harmful health?


Das Smartphone OHR time, networked via wireless home or office and the ubiquitous cell phone towers - there are now hardly an area of ​​life, in which one could escape a permanent cell phone radiation. Now it belongs to the "necessary" labor- and standard of living, phone anywhere, Check email and surf the internet. But to what extent this revenge careless use of cell phone radiation in twenty or thirty years in terms of health? Or is the radiation completely harmless and are no more critical voices as mere scaremongering?

The fact is: Cell phone radiation and electromagnetic waves related result in a slight warming of body tissues. This is one of the mobile - as well as radio and microwaves - to the high-frequency alternating fields, a frequency between 30 kHZ, and 300 Own GHz. The absorbed energy is released as the specific absorption rate (SAR) and designated in watts per kilogram (W / kg) measured. Here, the body temperature increases at SAR values ​​of 4 W / kg within 30 Minutes about one degree Celsius. According to the Federal Office for Radiation Protection can occur when this threshold is exceeded over a longer period of adverse health effects due to heating (thermal effect) come, therefore, the limit in force in this country at a SAR value of 2 W/kg liegt.

Thousands of studies, inconclusive results

But this limit is sufficient? And can exclude cell phone radiation as tumor formation in general as a trigger for disease? With these and other questions so far employed worldwide thousands of studies - with different results. "Meanwhile, there is a substantial data base of research information on biological effects of electromagnetic fields. Currently lists the database of the RWTH Aachen 15.000 Studies and research reports on this ", reports Dirk Ellenbeck, Head of Communications at Vodafone Germany. The World Health Organization (WHO) explains this: "In the area of ​​biological effects and medical applications of ionizing radiation are not during the past 30 Jahre circa 25.000 Published articles. Although some people feel, there needs to be more research is required, the scientific knowledge in this area today more extensive than most about the chemicals. "

Both statements confirmed Dagmar Wiebusch, Director of the Information Center Mobile eV. (IZMF): "The studies on the health effects of mobile phones are diverse, both in terms of researched diseases and the research methodology. "However, one should consider the differentiated state of research. There are studies, so Wiebusch more, standing alone with mood disorders such as headaches, Sleep- deal or concentration problems, others examine only a possible cancer development. One research group evaluates population statistics from, others work exclusively with cell samples, only a third of laboratory animals. It is therefore not surprising, according to Dagmar Wiebusch, dass die daraus resultierenden Ergebnisse sehr unterschiedlich und nur schwer vergleichbar sind.

Dr. Peter Niessen, Head of the EMF Institute in Cologne and the Institute for specialist electromagnetic compatibility with the environment (EMF), criticized in principle, that there are few studies, the truly "open-ended" approach to the study of the problem and draw all kinds of health effects into consideration. "Such studies are - also financially - very expensive. Much simpler and thus cheaper, studies, examine only a single endpoint, whether through phone calls about the specific brain cancer glioma xyz is triggered ", so Peter Niessen. Zumeist reiche die Anzahl der untersuchten Personen dann nicht für ein statistisch signifikantes Ergebnis aus.

Dennoch kann von Peter Hensinger diagnosis Funk eV. point in Stuttgart, a unique study location: "So the Ecolog Institute presented following an assessment of all studies on cell phone and sperm damage in October 2011 tight, that of 27 worldwide publish studies 22 show a depletion potential ", reported Hensinger. According to the Institute "should just young men pay with later children as a precautionary measure it, their mobile phone is not turned to wear on your belt or in your pocket. "

Particularly at risk: Children and young people

In this country, it has, among other things, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) prescribed for the research. Within the German Mobile Telecommunication Research Programme (DMF) were of 2002 to 2008 54 Research projects on this topic in the fields of mobile "Biology", "Dosimetry", "Epidemiology" and "Risk Communications" (www.emf-forschungsprogramm.de). Here, the research program in equal parts by the Federal Environment Ministry and the mobile operators was 17 My. Promoted €. Gemäß des Bundesamts hatten die Mobilfunkbetreiber trotz der anteiligen Finanzierung weder ein Mitspracherecht bei der Auswahl der Forschungsprojekte noch bei der Auswertung der Ergebnisse.

Generally you should scrutinize all studies about the effects of mobile phone radiation always, the extent to which providers have their finger in the pie. "There are studies, determine the, usually find that industry-funded studies, no cellular effects, in contrast to studies, financed independently or exclusively from public funds ", says Peter Hensiger. Who pays, thus determines the outcome. "Such events are from the tobacco, Pharma- genetic research or well-known ", so Hensinger. In addition, notes Peter Niessen from EMF Institute, that wireless service provider or phone manufacturer not fund open-ended studies. Rather, the studies are funded already designed (Scope of investigation, etc.), that they can provide no statistically significant result. „Die Ergebnisse solcher Studien sind nicht etwa „gefälscht“ bzw. die Endaussagen „gelogen“, vielmehr werden die tatsächlichen Ergebnisse durchweg falsch interpretiert“, glaubt Nießen. Und auch die Medien bekommen ihr Fett weg: Ein Bericht „Schon wieder eine Studie, die kein wissenschaftlich verwertbares Ergebnis gebracht hat“ sei keine Meldung wert. Demgegenüber errege ein Bericht „Kein Zusammenhang zwischen Handytelefonieren und Hirntumoren nachgewiesen“ mehr Aufmerksamkeit und werde laut Peter Nießen von der Mobilfunkindustrie gerne mit einer Anzeige belohnt.

Internationale Langzeitstudie

Within the German Mobile Telecommunication Research Programme also a participation in the Interphone study on possible long-term effects of mobile phone use took place. This study was conducted in 2000 von der International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) initiated with the objective, to identify possible risks for the development of brain tumors through the use of mobile phones. On the authority of the World Health (WHO) supported study involved scientists from around the world 13 Ländern.

Opinions differ on the Interphone Study. It has the largest survey group - namely people, use the phone for less than ten years - established, there is no link between mobile phone use and brain tumors can be detected. "But who is surprised that? Die Latenzzeiten für fast alle Tumorarten liegen bei zehn bis 20 Jahren“, betont Peter Nießen. Even people with cell phone use periods over ten years an increased risk of brain tumors can be seen. However, the case numbers were so low, that there is still room for interpretation. "Perhaps because of the small compared to today's number of users number of persons, who used intensively ten years ago mobile phones ", adds Nießen. In his view, it is rather important, that after more than ten years of use suggests a risk. "No one knows, as the result after 20 or 30 Years or even look for a lifelong use. In particular, the intensive use of mobile phones by children and adolescents thus appears problematic ", so Nießen.

Since the Interphone study for the group of frequent callers noted a two-fold increased risk of tumors in the brain, downgraded the WHO in May 2011 cell phone radiation into the category of "possibly carcinogenic" a. But many does not go far enough this classification. "The Interphone data are outdated, considering, that there only as strong mobile phone use 30 Minutes per day over a ten-year period of 1994 to 2004, också vor dem Handy Boom, was defined ", kritisiert Peter Hensinger. Today, far more'll phone. According Hensinger found new Swedish studies in ten years of mobile phone use, even up to a five-fold increased risk of glioma, a type of brain tumor. Particularly at risk are people according to these studies,, previously submitted to the 20. Lebensjahr das Handy nutzen.

Borderline protection

Although there is currently (yet) is no one hundred percent proof of an adverse health effect by mobile, should be approached cautiously. Besides their own arrangements (see box "Tips and Tricks") the legislature has the limits for exposure to electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone clearly regulated. "The valid in Germany limits based on scientific advice of independent national and international bodies and institutions, as the Radiation Protection Commission of the Federal (Social Security) or the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation (ICNIRP). Our limits will be around 50 times below the biological effects threshold - that is the threshold, when an effect on humans is scientifically proven ", Dagmar Wiebusch described by the Information Center Mobile eV. According to the ICNIRP this safety factor to health for sensitive people as sick, Children, Schwangere und Senioren garantieren.

That the current limit is not the measure of all things, however, believes Peter Niessen: "The International Commission on Radiation Protection ICNIRP is a private association, their members (circles of the mobile industry, Anm. d. Red.) appoints himself. Against this background it is not surprising, that the opinion of ICNIRP does not change significantly for decades. The Commission's recommendations are a comfortable retreat for the legislature, to one of the few remaining growth industries to put any obstacles in the way. "

Unlike in Germany, other European countries operate far more prudent. So there is a cell phone sales in France- and ban on advertising for children and run tests, to reduce the radiation exposure from the transmitters in cities. In South Tyrol protection goals are, which lie at the 4.000fache below the German limit values. "And the EU has been demanding 2009 a comprehensive program of care, especially for children, Adolescents and pregnant women in the area of ​​electromagnetic fields, the implementation of the German Radiation Protection consistently denied ", berichtet Peter Hensinger. Accordingly, the covenant calls for the Environment and Nature Conservation Germany the reduction of the limit of 10.000.000 Microwatts / square meter on 100 Microwatts / square meter and a value of medical care 1 Microwatts / square meter. "That would be a step, the inviolability of the home before the unwanted radiation from mobile phone masts to restore. The mobile phone communication could thereby be ensured by the way still good ", schätzt Peter Hensinger.

Manufacturer steal from the obligation

In addition to the legislators, manufacturers of mobile devices have a duty. With the above described specific absorption rate, kurz SAR, the energy, absorbed per unit time in human tissue, Watt pro Kilogramm (W / kg) stated. The limit in this case is 2 W / kg. "All mobile devices on the market have a value below this value SAR value", explains Dagmar Wiebusch. Alone among the newer models, however, there are major differences. While the Samsung Galaxy Note with a maximum SAR value of 0,26 is among the best, lie between the SAR levels of the iPhone 4S in 0,98 and the Nokia 700 (RM-670) sogar bei 1,43.

The figures show: In practice, the mobile device manufacturers strive limited to a reduction in the SAR values. When looking at the values ​​of current smartphones, includes the results in terms of a "radiation poverty" quite sobering. "Especially the new smartphones often have higher SAR values ​​than older models", bestätigt Peter Hensinger. An assessment, The Peter Niessen shares: "To my knowledge the producers not to seek a reduction in the SAR value, the opposite is the case. "For a really low-radiation phone with good wireless connection properties is necessarily larger and heavier than usual phones. Such a device would need a sense placed antenna and additional shielding in the direction of the user's head. "Such actions require space, increase the weight and cost money - and thus do not fit into the trend, To bring phones from cigarette box size to matchbox size ", erläutert Nießen.

In addition, the experts stress, that the importance of the SAR-value offer big room for misinterpretation. "Thus, the U.S., the FCC specifically point out", reported Dagmar Wiebusch, "That a lower SAR value are not necessarily reduce the exposure of the user." Crucial rather be the actual SAR level, arising on a phone call. And which is dependent on the quality of the network connection. The better the compound is the less power, which is needed. Peter Hensinger also eyeing the SAR value critical: "He focuses solely on the thermal effects." This test model to calculate the SAR value is a fluid-filled plastic head according to the dimensions of a man with a body weight of 100 kg, and a size of this 1,88 m. Damit werde aber die Strahlungseinwirkung auf biologische Zellprozesse nicht erfasst.

Continuous exposure via LTE

Finally, it is within the power of the mobile service provider, reduce the radiation. Because their entire business model on a nationwide, based trouble-free supply of mobile, one can hardly expect activities, reduce such radiation sustainable. Rather, just the opposite is currently the case: The providers are eager about, around the existing 70.000 Mobile sites in Germany to the new standard Long Term Evolution (LTE) convert or. estimated on 550.000 Remodel transmit antennas. The - as you look at it - good or bad news: Radiation Technically, there is at least no difference between the previously used UMTS- and future LTE technology. "The radiated power of LTE are similar to those of GSM- and UMTS base stations compared ", confirmed Rudolf Boll, Head of the Press Office of the Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway (BNetzA).

In addition to or for switching from UMTS. HSDPA over a large area probably built on no new LTE base stations. This confirms Dirk Ellenbeck Vodafone Germany: "For the LTE roll-out will be virtually no new base stations needed. The ambitious goals, we have set ourselves in the development of LTE network, be achieved with the existing infrastructure. Throughout Germany can already around nine million households use in thousands of places and communities, the new generation of mobile communications. Every week, many new places and communities supplied and added in the coming months, the white spots will be gone on the Internet map. "

To base stations or as inconspicuously as possible. to place barely perceptible to the population, make use of the wireless service provider partially unusual methods and demonstrate great ingenuity. Thus, cellular antennas hidden in church steeples, camouflaged in the branches of tall trees or on rooftops as fireplaces. A section quite unorthodox stations can be found online at the following link: http://umweltinstitut.org/elektrosmog/mobilfunk-info/versteckte-mobilfunkantennen.html

Generally subject to the providers of installed base stations or antennas, the transmission power is more than ten watts, this country, the provisions of the Regulation on the detection method for limiting electromagnetic fields (BEMFV). "Therefore, a site certificate to the Federal Network Agency is also required for the operation of LTE sites", so Rudolf Boll. The background of this process explains Dirk Ellenbeck: "The operation of mobile base stations above a statutory transmit power of 10 Watt EIRP is without the consent of the Federal Network Agency is not permitted. Due to the specific technical site data, the Agency, in a specified procedure, whether the facility complies with the applicable limit values ​​applied to protect people from electromagnetic fields; and determined at the theoretical maximum possible performance. "In a site certificate process then the safety distance around the respective antenna system. To determine these distances provides Vodafone all relevant for considering the safety of the plant operation data of the Federal Network Agency available. And you make sure loud Ellenbeck, dass diese Bereiche nicht von der allgemeinen Bevölkerung betreten werden können.

Finally, it should be noted, that the risks of cell phone radiation local providers probably hard on the stomach. How else can one explain the, that cases we interviewed mobile operators in silence or a lapidary, return impersonal default e-mail, alone with references to their own (sugarcoated) Website and the official information of the Federal Network Agency. Only Dirk Ellenbeck Vodafone Germany had the guts and replied to our questions in detail, wie die zitierten Passagen zeigen.

Useful Information

What is the SAR value (specific absorption rate; of local limit is 2 W / kg) the used smartphones?
Click the following link to the values ​​of current models can be found:

How many cell towers are in direct office- or living environment?
By entering the code require the consent of base stations appear in the immediate surroundings:

Gloss: Completely contaminated - an introspection
By Ina Schlücker

Daily life begins with me to 7 Clock in the morning in a fully networked via wireless home. While coffee drinking falls now and then a look at the websites of various news channels - preferably via tablet PC. Then it goes on to the editorial. Due to the absence of a separate mobile pedestal, the roughly 25 Traveled miles to the work site by public transport. This represents an almost 50 Minutes long train journey right across Cologne to Bergisch Gladbach. In a self-test, I counted it all visible cell towers. Came out the proud number of 19, wherein a portion of the track has to be covered by subway. But underground it has now (fast) consistently good reception. The times, when they prepared his interlocutor to an abrupt end the call, when they went under the earth, sind längst vorbei.

Finally arrived in the office I find myself standing in a wireless network. In addition there are the mobile devices of colleagues - preferred smartphones and tablets -, which are readily available on any desk. However, the worst case scenario played out in front of the large windows of the editorial: In some 150 Meters is dominated by a very, very high mobile phone mast on a hill. It is thus clear, that we get here around the clock the best wireless coverage far and wide. For while one is exposed below the antennae much less high-frequency electromagnetic waves, true - you guessed it - the focused main beam with a slight downward slope usually the upper floors of the adjacent building, sprich unsere Redaktionsräume.

After work in the evening then it goes back on the same way contaminated, I am come in the morning. Perhaps a small detour into a beer garden, planned a pub or café. Of course, such places offer their guests a free hotspot. At home, I find myself once again in the WLAN, where the day would now almost completely contaminated managed. It is, more quickly to set the alarm. This, of course, I use my smartphone. The disadvantage: The alarm clock works only, when the device is switched. Deshalb liegt das Device sogar im Schlafzimmer immer griffbereit und nimmt auch im Standby-Modus munter alle ein bis zwölf Stunden Funkkontakt mit der Basisstation auf.

They see, my life is just so permeated by mobile phone radiation. However due to the widespread use of transmission towers in the city of Cologne, I can hardly escape a radiation but. But at least first small measures have already been initiated: Duration calls are taboo now, the headset is my constant companion, Wi-Fi in the apartment is set only when necessary (the WLANs of the neighboring apartments penetrate hopefully not too intense our walls) and a new alarm clock is already worried - really old-fashioned, einer zum Aufziehen.

Tips and Tricks:

How to Survive the cell phone radiation?

Electromagnetic fields, which occur during use of mobile phones close to the body, are generally much stronger than the fields, which it is exposed, for example, by mobile phone base stations. Therefore, it holds the Federal Office for Radiation Protection is important to keep this exposure as low as possible and gives the following advice:

  • Whenever it is possible, calls to the landline phone instead of the phone
  • Keeping mobile calls as short as possible
  • Not in bad reception, z.B. from car without an external antenna, phone. Performance, with sending the phone, depends on the quality of the connection to the nearest base station. Die Autokarosserie verschlechtert die Verbindung und das Handy sendet deshalb mit einer höheren Leistung.
  • Use mobile devices, in which the head is subjected to the lowest possible fields. The appropriate indication of this is the SAR value (specific absorption rate, see "Useful Links").
  • Terms of headsets: The intensity of the field decreases with distance from the antenna fast. Durch die Verwendung von Headsets wird der Abstand zwischen Kopf und Antenne stark vergrößert.
  • Increased use of e-mail- and SMS options
  • Restrict phone calls to children as much as possible

Those: www.bfs.de http://www.mobilebusiness.de

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